Night Sky Viewing with Astronomer

Join Bill Suriano, an enthusiastic amateur astronomer and astrophotographer, for an evening of celestial exploration. 

Learn how to use telescopes and other equipment to view and photograph the night sky. 

Enjoy a guided tour of the stars, followed by dedicated time to marvel at the universe. 

The event is limited to 20 participants and begins at 8:30 pm on the mounds near the first parking lot.

Saturday, July 6, 2024
at 8:30 PM CDT

Event Policy: This program is free. Non-members must pay an arboretum admission fee of $10 per carload for entry. - This event has a no refund policy.

Join Bill Suriano, an enthusiastic amateur astronomer and astrophotographer, for an evening of celestial exploration. 

Learn how to use telescopes and other equipment to view and photograph the night sky. 

Enjoy a guided tour of the stars, followed by dedicated time to marvel at the universe. 

The event is limited to 20 participants and begins at 8:30 pm on the mounds near the first parking lot.

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